Monday, May 25, 2009

Of kings of old

I returned to Tinnudir the next day, only to have the ranger, Calenglad, send me right on back to the opposite side of the lake. I was to meet with an enchantress, an advisor to the kings of old, named Gwindeth. She was said to live in a cave hidden by the waterfall near Rushingdale.

I have to say, I did not mind the long journey. I would walk forever in this place if I had my way. Eventually, after a few detours, I came to Gwindeth's lair. She tested my character in many ways and said she found me worthy.

She offered to lead me into the tomb of a great king from long ago. She said we would find there a stone that was used in times long past to forge the swords of kings. It could be used again should we find someone worthy of wielding such a blade. She told me that the ranger captain, Aragorn, had sought this from her some time ago, but he was unable to assemble a band worthy of entering the old king's tomb, so she sent him away.

Long did I wander the camps around Evendim searching for those that might join me in such a pursuit! To recover such a treasure, forge such a sword, and find one worthy of wielding it would strike a mighty blow to the enemy! Such a person could rally the free peoples under his banner, and all would surely take heart at his coming.

But it was not meant to be. I could find no one willing to set upon this task with me. I returned to Gwindeth with my ill news, and she sent me from her in disgrace. Someone more worthy would have to take up her quest, for I have neither the charisma nor the spirit required to be a leader of men.

Calenglad did not seem overly disappointed. He said that many had sought to appease Gwindeth, only to be found lacking. He asked me to make the long trip back to the Lone-lands and, from there, to cross the Last Bridge into the Trollshaws, where I would find an elf named Barachen who needed aid.

I said my goodbyes to all at Tinnudir and Ost Forod, having decided to make my way to Bree-land and rest for a short while before continuing on.

With Light,

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