Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The ruin rises high as does my spirit!

Candaith's plan worked magnificently, as I knew it must. We made a dent in the orcish force that will require much to recover from. Candaith will see to that, as I am off to Ost Guruth, far to the east of here.

I am proud of what I helped accomplish here, and my heart soars like the great ruined hill nearby. I just hope that it does not suffer the same fate! Take care!

With Light,

Monday, March 30, 2009

A vision from on high :)

The deed done, I head back toward Candaith's camp to await his return. Perhaps, though, I should scale the hill to make sure all is safe.

I come to the top of the ruin after a long climb. The first thing I notice is a rock that stands out due to some strange carvings in it.

I peer into the darkness from each side of the ruin...

Thankfully, nothing approaches save the red dawn...

...which I decide to watch before returning to camp :)

With Light,

Thursday, March 26, 2009

To harass and harry!

I reached the campsite of Candaith, yet another of the rangers under Strider's leadership. He explained that there were more orcs skulking about in the Weather Hills than he realized. He wished for me to go south and distract them as he seeks to scout far to the north and assess the main orcish force.

As he explained this to me, I again marveled at these men and gave silent thanks for their careful stewardship of the land. Without them, we may have already been overrun, and I am glad to lend my aid to them, however small it may be!

We shared the fire and made our plans under the ruin of an old watchtower on a large hill. Those who watched from on high in prior days are no longer, and it is left to men such as these to take their place.

With Light,

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Mother, I hope I am doing you proud!

Kaleigh's journal:

I came upon a disturbing sight tonight as I approached the Forsaken Inn on the border of the Lone-Lands. A group of young men... well, boys really, were fighting another boy who was rather badly hurt before the fight could be broken up. Afterwards, we found out that the one boy had been teased and ridiculed by the others until he finally could take no more and lashed out in rage. Ashamedly, I was reminded of my own childhood.

You see, when I was a young girl, I was... well, quite a sourpuss myself. I loved to tease other kids to make myself feel better, looking for any fault I could find in them. And how I loved to complain about something if I didn't feel it was exactly how I wanted it! Who knows how many times I was on verge of driving my parents stark-raving mad? Especially my poor mother, who I am sure I wore out.

It may have been why she succumbed to the Fever so quickly. When I was only ten years old, she got sick. Everyone thought she would recover easily, but she just got worse, until we knew we would probably lose her. She called me in to see her near the end, and we talked about everything. One of the things she said was, "Kaleigh, I want you to remember something. Whenever you start to tease somebody, find fault in someone, or complain about them in someway, I want you to remember this: 'If you look for the bad in people expecting to find it, you surely will'. A very wise man once said that, and it will help you change your attitude if you allow it."

I am sure I looked at her quite puzzled, for it was such an obvious truth, but I promised her I would do it, and I meant it. After she was laid to rest, I missed her so dearly! Soon, though, I was back to my old habits: making fun of others and complaining incessantly. At times, I would consider what she had said, but I could only agree, thinking, "Of course you will find bad in people! I do it all the time!".

Once I had matured a little though, and my childhood fantasies gave way to more adult concerns, I began to realize what the saying meant. Of course, if you look for the bad in someone you will find they have faults. No one is perfect, least of all me. But, maybe, that itself is the problem. What, if you look for the good in people, will you find? And I had to conclude that everyone, even that rotten Beckham Quimby, had some good in them.

And then I realized that a lot of one's outlook comes down to choice. We are all self-fulfilling prophets, are we not? Think of all the times you go into a situation with a preconceived idea of how it will likely end up. How many times did things happen more or less how you thought they would? Now, think about how many times you were completely surprised by how things turned out? A lot less, right? Some of that is simple reality which should never be truly ignored. I am not saying to waltz into a lair of trolls with a handful of daisies tomorrow hoping to make new friends! But I hated no one more than Beckham Quimby, until I decided to maybe just try to see the good in him. Soon, he was my best friend, and later, my dear love. He perished in the assault on Archet, and I miss him terribly. But how much more would I have missed if I never saw who he really was? How much more would I have lost if I never gave him, or myself, that chance?

I always felt so safe and secure on our farm. My world had borders made of Archet, Staddle, and,. when I was very lucky, Bree. Existence ended with these places, I thought. Everything else was merely a dream. What I have seen these past few months could drive me mad, if I were to let it. Dark forces I never knew existed pose grave threats to us all. I just think we should save our more critical judgments for them and look upon those that we break bread with, go to school with, and share our lives with in a kinder light.


Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Cleaning up the trash :P

Later on, as night approached, I saw a flickering light coming from inside one of the ruins near the road. I decided to sneak up to see who was making camp there and found a host of Blackwold bandits! They were no doubt getting their rest before a night of skulking, so I decided to beat them to the punch! :)

With Light,

A new hobby!

After many more expeditions into the Barrow-downs, I felt rather worn. It is not the most pleasant place to be, you know? So many beings denied their rest, and though I miss my loved ones more than I could ever express, I am thankful they are at peace.

I was asked to head to the Lone Lands, far to the east of Bree. I was on my way when I spotted this lovely lake with many people fishing! I could not help but come over and visit for a time.

When a nice gentlemen offered to let my try my luck, I gladly accepted! I did not fare too well, I am afraid, but it was nice to wile away the afternoon in such a lovely place :)

With Light,

Monday, March 23, 2009

A treacherous foe...

Kaleigh's thoughts:

"Foul wench! Good ol' Tom was right about you after all, I see. You skulk about in the Barrow-downs with your foul... fowl keeping watch over good folk! Well no more, I say! Just a little bit closer... blasted pebble! She sees! ... "


Friday, March 20, 2009

A beautiful couple

I slept so deeply and had a lovely dream about a charming bearded fellow who danced in the moonlight and spoke in a strange sing-song verse. Finally, I began to wake to the smell of warm bread and the sounds of rustling in a kitchen. Sweet memories of my childhood came back. Tears welled in my eyes, and I began to stir.

I sat up and saw the man from my dream. He winked and smiled and said, "Old Man Willow almost gotcha, ye
see? If ye had stayed there any longer, in sleep evermore would ye be!" I was still a little groggy but tried to pay attention as he explained how he found me near the old willow and had brought me to safety in his cabin.

We had breakfast, and I thanked him for his incredible generosity and concern. When I asked him if there was anything I could do to repay him, he smiled with a twinkle in his eye and said, "The River-daughter lies by her spring looking for lilies. Mayhaps you could help her afore running off willy-nilly?" We had a good long laugh, and I most certainly agreed :)

I found Miss Goldberry by the spring with a lovely waterfall. I brought her many lilies, and she graciously thanked me. How I wished I could have stayed with them a little longer, but I had to return to Buckland with news of the shadow. I bid them both farewell and headed off. What a lovely memory of these kind spirits I now have to cherish that will lift my spirits in darker times!

However, I must say that, standing next to Miss Goldberry, I have never felt so plain :P

With Light,

Thursday, March 19, 2009

So sleepy...

Saerdan thanked me for aiding him and asked me to return to Strider with reports of our successes in the north. I was asked to travel to Buckland to meet with another of Strider's rangers to try to determine where the other servants of shadow may have gone.

After aiding many in the village, I was sent into the Old Forest to help stem the surge of wild animal attacks on those who walked the wood. Night approached very quickly, and I realized it would be a long walk back to Buckland. I decided to find a spot to rest near the banks of the Withywindle. I came to a small clearing with an enormous tree watching over the river.

It was all so tranquil: the soothing sound of the Withywindle passing by, the gentle breeze swaying the foliage of the great tree. A green aura seemed to form that mesmerized me. I was so exhausted, it felt as if the ground itself reached up for me, enveloping me in a warm, welcome embrace. My eyes closed...

With (green) Light :P

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Can you spot Kaleigh in this picture? :P

I was so tired, I could not make it back to Saerdan's without a little catnap. I felt so protected under the branches of this fallen elm, embracing me with its loving arms and shielding me from the rising sun. My bed of wildflowers was so cozy and fragrant, I fell asleep right away...

...only to be woken by the sound of heavy breathing nearby! I lay motionless and ever so slowly opened my eyes. I lifted my head from my flower-pillow to see a field buck grazing on the grassy knoll nearby, so close to me I gasped in surprise!

He was so beautiful, I decided to see if I could sneak up to him for a closer look. I must be getting better at skulking because I could have laid my hand on his beautiful neck to pet him had I wanted to, and did I ever want to! I counted nine points on his antlers and thought of how impressed the hunters at the lodge back in Archet would be if I told them this story and brought back his crown as a trophy.

But my heart would have broken for it. Except for when I am in need, I will save my daggers for orcs and the like. Goodness knows there are enough of them around to last me a lifetime! :P

With Light,

Sunshine on my shoulder :P

On my return trip to Saerdan's cabin for some much needed rest after a hard night's work, I saw that the dawn was about to break. I quickly scaled an old ruin nearby so that I could watch as the land awakened. The day will soon be beginning for most everyone but skulkers like me! :P

My name is Starshine, but I have to say, I can deal with a little sunshine anytime :)

With Light,

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Skulking about in Cirith Nur :P

I was able to sneak into the encampment and proceeded to cause much mischief!

I hope this poor fellow here is having a pleasant dream, because he is about to be rudely awaken :P

I look around to make sure the coast is clear and then...

With Light,

Monday, March 16, 2009

A new mentor and friend

I arrived safely at Saerdan's cabin, and he sent me on many expeditions to harass and harry brigands and orcs that skulk about, apparently under the command of the scoundrel, Sharkey. I have learned much from Saerdan and consider him a great friend and mentor. I am so blessed to be able to serve such worthy leaders of men and do the little I can in our fight against those who would oppress us.

I wait for darkness to fall before I will set off toward an encampment far to the north of here called Cirith Nur. I hope to put a dent in the enemy's forces before we engage them full on. Wish me luck, friends! :)

With Light,

How can one lose heart when surrounded by such beauty?

I have done as Strider asked, aiding Torthann against the brigands and dark shadow. As for Amdir... no, I will not speak of it, save to say that I can only hope that such a fate will never be mine.

After a few more menial tasks, I was asked by Chief Watcher Grimbriar to seek a man named Saerdan. He is one of Strider's men, I believe, and is a way-watcher for the lands around Bree.

On my journey north, I traveled along a road that runs parallel with a nearby stream and found such a lovely place for a rest! I could not help but linger there much of the morning, lying on a sun-warmed rock with the sound of running water washing over me. If only there was someone here to share it with! :)

With Light,

Sunday, March 15, 2009

A heavy burden...

I have met with Strider, and he has told me much of what the way-watchers have been dealing with as of late. I think he holds back much more than he allows others to know, however. I can sense a heavy burden thick upon him and can only wish him well with what he chooses to bear on his own.

My journeys tire me, and I will spend the rest of the evening relaxing by the fire in the common room of the Pony. Seeing these people at ease and enjoying their night lifts my spirit, and I am grateful for their company.

With Light,

The famed Prancing Pony!

I made it to Bree by nightfall and hurried over to the Prancing Pony where I was to ask the tavern-keep, Barliman Butterbur, about the whereabouts of this Strider fellow. Before I walk up the steps, though I take a quick look around the square. There are many people gathered here, engaged in conversations of various sorts. Many groups of people walk by, and I feel somewhat lonely, being in a place with all these people, yet having no one who walks with me.

Best not to dwell on it for now, I suppose. I must be off, but until we meet again, take care!

With Light,

Friday, March 13, 2009

Which of these is not like the others? :P

Through much subterfuge and trickery, as well as the wise counsel and brave deeds of Celairant and Langlas, and of noble Avorthal, whom we were able to rescue and who has since been our spear-carrier, we have averted war between the dwarves of Gondamon and the elves of Duillond. Having focused our sights on the true enemy: Skogrim's Dourhands and the goblin horde they had amassed, we then recruited many to aid us in a daring assault upon Rath Teraig itself!

Avorthal led the way while the rest of us kept watch over him as he keenly scouted safe passage for us into the heart of the enemy's stronghold! Though foul Skogrim escaped, we claimed a great victory nonetheless, and I give thanks now and forevermore to those who aided us in this worthwhile endeavor!

There is little time to rest however, as Langlas has asked me to fly to Bree-town to seek who he calls his Captain, a man known as Strider, and report this news. I will gladly obey for these men who call themselves rangers seem to be one with the land in a way many do not understand. They are wise to listen and heed its call, and I am fortunate to have their counsel.

My deeds are so small compared to so many, but by surrounding myself with good and wise men such as these, I do well to put myself in the best light! :)

With Light,

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Looking down into the valley :)

My travels have led me back into the Ered Luin, to a dwarven outpost east of the Vale of Thrain knows as Gondamon. I am thrilled to see my dwarven friends again and am glad to be able to aid them in any way that I can. They speak of a goblin horde massing in the valley south of here, a place known as Rath Teraig. I suspect there will not be much I can do alone to a foe of such grand scale, but I can enjoy the view from atop the ramparts of Gondamon and have faith that we still stand firm against them!

With Light,

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Beating skulkers at their own game!

After helping to set up trade between Combe and Staddle again, I learned from Gammy Boggs that brigands, rumored to be serving someone named Sharkey, had been harassing the village-folk as of late. It turns out a poor hobbit named Falco Greenhand had been paying off these scoundrels so that they would not harm his farm! Brigands like these really chap my hide, especially after losing my own farm, you know?

I went to report this to Constable Bolger who suggested we lay in wait for the thieves and turn the tables on them for a change! We asked around the village for volunteers and two brave men, Banley and Lagorade, heroically answered our plea! Together we lay in wait until the thieves showed up and then gave them a well-deserved thrashing! I suspect that this Sharkey and his toads will not bother Falco or even Staddle for a good long while! :P

While speaking with Lagorade afterward, he told me that he considers himself a brigand as well, though I suspect he only uses such means for noble causes. I must say, I rather enjoy playing tricks on others myself and, without strength of arms or stoutness of body, I may well have to engage in such mischief in order to get things done!

With Light,

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Pay it forward! :P

After helping out with the Blackwolds and other various things around Combe, I was asked by Burl Beeman to visit Staddle. He wished to see if Lolo Wendingway, a hobbit he used to do business with there, would like to resume their partnership now that the Blackwold scourge had been driven back.

We are all connected, don't you see? The cycles of life are never-ending! Of course, I told him I would be delighted. Perhaps for the seemingly small good deeds that I had recently done, I was rewarded with such a beautiful journey through the countryside that I had to stop for a bit just off the road to take it all in and reflect. Even with all that I have lost, I see how much there is to be thankful for, and may I always be :)

With Light,

Monday, March 9, 2009

The new day brings new hope... and new friends!

I knew not what else to do but make the Blackwolds pay for their mischief in whatever way I could. While stealing supplies from one of their camps, I came across a letter from an Ellie Cutleaf who seemed to be aiding them. I decided to visit with her and give her a piece of my mind!

It turns out that she had misgivings about dealing with them from the start. Together, we hatched a plan that would have me sneak into the Blackwold's camp, poison their foul wargs, and capture one of their most valued leaders: Jagger Jack! I was so afraid, but I knew that it must be done, and Ellie's plan (it was mostly her idea) worked brilliantly!

We celebrated our victory well into the night, though I think her pup was more interested in his chew-toy :P

With Light,

Sunday, March 8, 2009

My vision has not been fulfilled

It was too much to ask, I suppose, expecting to return home so soon to find everyone and everything had mostly returned to normal. My dear friend, Jon Brackenbrook, told me of the continuing struggles with the Blackwolds that the village endures. Tragically, as I came to my family's old farm, I discovered that it and the surrounding land had become overrun by foul spiders. This poor soul had stayed behind to fight for what was newly his and was felled before his dream had even begun to take root.

Should this have been my fate, I wonder? Was it my cowardice that allowed me to live while braver souls perished to give me the choice to flee? Should I have stayed by Father's side that terrible night?

That was not his wish, most certainly. As I ponder these things, I am beginning to realize that I must make my life worth the sacrifices that so many others have made for me. But how will I ever be able to do such a thing? I haven't the strength to don a suit of armor and wield a sword to rage against such injustices. I haven't the mind of an elder or sage, who are both wise and thoughtful and able to devise clever solutions to so many of life's problems.

I am just a poor farmgirl without a farm and a daughter with no mother or father.

With Light,

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Upheaval at the gates!

As I approached the southern gate into Archet, I noticed some kind travelers were having problems with their wagon and stopped to aid them. Even though I was in a hurry to be home, I have come to find that helping others is so rewarding. I think that doing so shall be my life's work from now on!

With Light,

Taking the long way home

I could not resist stopping in Staddle on my way home to see my little cousins. They are not so little anymore! Everyone else went to sleep, but I wished to go to the pond and think for a while.

The wonders of nature are countless, you know? I can gaze into waters and see my reflection, as well as what lies behind me. That is it, precisely! They help me to reflect, in more ways than one, and I am, like the water, at peace.

With Light,

Friday, March 6, 2009

You cannot go home again... or can you?

So many things are bound together by life's cycles. The morning sun that rises each day to share with us its warmth gives way to the night, whose gentle light leads us back to our homes to rest and be renewed for another day. This is a most obvious one, as are the seasons that turn, each one with its own gifts to us. Knowing that the beautiful snow will give way to blooming flowers, then to turning leaves, before the snow comes once more gives us a quiet peace and a place from which we can start to build our lives and make our way.

I think that such cycles can be found in how we relate to one another as well. I must have done a decent job on Patch Duty because, soon after, others began to ask me for my aid in their endeavors. I owed these kind folk so much and gladly offered to help them. As I did so, I realized that my sorrow and grief had begun to fade, ever so slightly. It was as if, by helping others, I was helping myself as well. Those from whom I used to receive a polite nod or a smile as we passed each other in the Hall before began to stop me and thank me for what I had done for them. But the thing was, I had not done anything for them. Not really.

But maybe I had after all. Maybe making the road through the Vale safer by driving off predators did not aid those who never left the Hall directly. But it might just have made their cousin's, or their brother's, or their friend's journey safer. That person, whomever it may be, might return to the Hall in a more jovial mood, due to the ease of their travel, and be more likely to favor those they come across with kindness as well. The cycle is renewed, and my healing is more complete.

Through this cycle of healing, I have become renewed in both mind and spirit. Though I miss my father and my beloved dearly, I have decided that the best way to honor them, and their great sacrifice for me and the others of Archet, is to return home and offer my aid to my old friends, as best as I am able. Again, the cycle is renewed.

My journey homeward begins by heading down the stairs leading away from Thorin's Hall and into the Vale with its bordering mountains in sight, so imposing and yet reassuring as well.

With Light,

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Break time is over!

I soon found my chance to begin to pay back the dwarves of Thorin's Hall for their kindnesses and volunteered for Patch Duty. The walls holding back the underground river spring leaks from time to time and need to be repaired. It is tiring work, however, and it is hard to not lay down every now and then to catch a few winks! Our foreman decided it was time for him to come over and tell us break time was over in the traditional dwarven way.

With Light,

Gone fishing!

Greetings once again, my friend! Much time has passed since we last met. I had planned to stay in Bree, but I soon realized that my journey could not end there. I came to the Shire, but I still felt restless when I tried to stay for a time. These were places that I had seen, or I had at least heard of before. I needed to go further, to a new place, to start a new life.

I traveled further west and north, to the Ered Luin, the Blue Mountains. What a sight to behold they were, reaching to the sky with all of their might and majesty as I approached them! I wound my way through the Vale of Thrain, as kind passers-by told me it was named, and to the very hall of Thorin. I had rarely ever seen any of the dwarves before, mostly while on family trips to Bree-town. They are a kindhearted people, though maybe a little gruff at first meeting, I was told. Perhaps they sensed my sorrow, for they have gone out of their way to greet me and make me feel welcome, a kindness that I hope to repay once I have recovered a bit.

After a brisk walk through a little snow, I returned to the Hall and was heading to the pub to warm up before the fire, when I saw these two engaged in a sport I had never thought to be seen indoors! I was honored to make their acquaintance, and we visited for quite a while (but not too loudly, they warned, for fear of scaring the fish, even at such a great height!)

With Light,

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

The sun sets on more that just Bree today...

I tried to stay, but so much has been lost to me. After helping to put out the fires, caring for the wounded, and seeing both Father and Beckham, as well as countless others, laid to peaceful rest, I tried to start anew. But with much of the crops burned and most of our animals slain or lost, as well as...

... will there ever be an "our" again for me, I wonder? I love so many in the village dearly, but they are not part of me as my family was, or as I hoped Beckham might be.

And so, in the end, after much consideration, I have decided that I must leave my home and the shadows that fall upon me here. I walk the road east of Bree, having just passed through the Combe gate. The sun sets over the town with such beauty, I am taken by the thought that, one day, I may return to see the only home I have ever known.

I have a vision of the village rebuilt, children playing again in the spring-time sun, green fields growing with the promise of the bountiful harvest that lies ahead. Everyone has left that day behind them and surfaced again from the depths of despair that held them fast. The sun has set for them and, with the new dawn, hope is born.

May the sun set on these dark days for me as well. The thought stirs me, and I feel something more that just the sadness I have borne lately. I cannot go back, not yet. But, for now, one last look...

With Light,

Monday, March 2, 2009

These are days...

It is said that most days one lives are just a bridge between important events in life, the truly important days. I can no longer look at life in this way, however. This day was an important one, but what I would not give to have just one day, one moment of my prior life back.

Tonight, Father was lost to me as he bravely held off Blackwold assailants while ordering me to flee to the village for help. Somehow, I managed to elude capture and made it there just in time to aid in the village's defense. There were so many heroes that night, not the least of whom were Jon Brackenbrook and his dear father, who sadly perished as well. Our only comfort is knowing that they faced death with courage and grace, and that it was their will to sacrifice themselves for us.

I made it hard on you, Mother, but in the end you taught me well that much of one's happiness and outlook is a conscious choice. In the days ahead, I will try to remember that we were able to drive the bandits back and all the dear folk we were able to save. But I lost you when I was but ten years old. Why now, when I am just coming of age and need him more than ever, did I have to lose my father?

And dearest Beckham, my beloved. Though our love was just beginning to bloom, like the spring flowers upon the hills where we would go to spend lazy days in each others' arms, I will never forget you. You will always be with me, in my heart.

For now, I give myself over to the rebuilding of the village.

With Light,

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Curses upon the Blackwolds!

The foul Blackwolds that skulk about in the ruins east of Archet captured me and my hobbit friends, Celadine and Mundo! Thankfully, we were able to escape with the aid of noble Amdir, though we witnessed a sight that will haunt me for many moons: a being of inestimable evil. I was rendered helpless by being in its very presence, though Amdir was able to save the day!

The elders of the village now meet to determine what we should do about the bandits. I, of course, was not invited to the meeting, so I came to visit my friend here in the hunting lodge! Take care!

With Light,

Hello, friends!

Good day to you! My name is Kaleigh Starshine, and this is our family farm. You must be on your way to Archet, are you not? Please, do not let me keep you. I am just taking a break from my chores and admiring the beautiful country that we are blessed to live in from atop this large bale of hay!

I am so glad you decided to stop by and am honored to consider you a friend! Perhaps I will take you on a tour in and around fair Archet sometime!

I suppose I should be getting back to my chores, but I hope to see you again real soon! Take care!

With Light,