Thursday, June 4, 2009

Greetings from Echad Candelleth!

Dearest friend,

It has been so long since I have written to you! I hope you can forgive me. My tasks are many, and I am prone to distraction, as you are most certainly well aware! I have been aiding the elves of an outpost named Echad Candelleth within Tal Bruinen.

I chanced upon an elf-maiden near the road leading to Thorenhad. Her name was Rochwen, and she had heard of my deeds aiding the sons of Elrond. She asked me if I would journey to an outpost where many elves and way-watchers worked tirelessly to keep that region from falling into shadow. Both Elladan and Elrohir agreed that I should do so, and I set off.

The outpost was hidden well by the hills west of the Bruinen, and it took me quite a few days before I was finally able to locate it. Though I cherish my time in the wilds, I haven't the skills of the rangers to quiet myself in order to hear and see as they do.

Poor Saerdan! After all the time he spent teaching me such things, perhaps it is best that he was not here to see me blunder about so. I can only hope that those who have been kind enough to share their knowledge and wisdom with me feel that it was worth their time. I have learned so much, though it shames me how much more I could never quite grasp from their instruction.

My days are full, as is my heart, with the deeds I am doing for these noble elves. They are such caring stewards of the land. Whether it be scouting for drakes that swarm in the hills east of the river, searching for the creature that left such giant footprints upon the hills nearby, or driving away some sort of stooped gangle-creature that was stealing the kills of hunters in the area, I am filled with peace, knowing that I have achieved some good, albeit very little, for the land and its people. When I lay my head down to rest, to know the day had meaning, not just for me, but for those around me, fills me with such joy, you know?

Of course you do, dear friend! I know your heart and how you share with me the desire to help others. In doing so, we help ourselves perhaps most of all, for we are all connected, are we not? If a friend is in sorrow, is not your spirit dampened a little as well? Likewise, when someone shares their joy with you, do you not feel some joy as well?

I know this is very short notice, but I am trying to organize a riverdance and would be overjoyed if you could come! I had been scouting for just the spot as I completed my tasks for the elves and believe I have found the perfect place! The trees on the riverbank should shield us from the sun, allowing in just enough light to make the water glisten and our faces softly glow as we celebrate life and its many blessings. Many of the elves of the outpost will come, and I am hoping some of those I have chanced upon in the area and aided with various tasks will be there as well.

I know your days are full with so many things, but if only you could come! I await your reply with great eagerness for, even if you are unable to attend, I will have been given the wonderful gift of knowing that your thoughts have been with me, if only for a little while.

With Light,

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